Carryout Bag


Bag Type

With the City & County of Honolulu's 'Plastic Bag Ban' ordinance being updated as of 2021; we are now "required to charge customers a minimum of 15¢ per recyclable paper bag to customers at the point of sale..." Please see below for a description of your bagging options.

To select multiple bag types for an order, you will have to "add" an additional bag item/s.

  • Small Bag - Holds up to 5 mini pies or 3 cinnamon rolls
  • Mini Pie Bag - Holds up to 10 mini pies or 6 cinnamon rolls
  • 9in Pie Bag - Holds up to 3 full-size pies
  • Logo Shopping Bag - Holds up to 4 full-size pies

  • Cooler Bag - An insulated cooler bag that's great for traveling. Holds up to 4 full-size pies