Specials available to pre-order for pickup on certain days each week.
NOTE: Some specials are only available on certain days.
Carryout Bag
With the City & County of Honolulu's 'Plastic Bag Ban' ordinance being updated as of 2021; we are now "required to charge customers a minimum of 15¢ per recyclable paper bag...
Custard Pie
*Available on WEDNESDAYs*** A full-size, deep-dish, custard pie. Available BAKED ONLY Contains: Wheat, Eggs & Dairy
Tea Cake
**Only available on FRIDAY, March 28th** A small, scrumptious tea cake with lilikoi glaze. (multiple pieces are displayed; the product listed is for a SINGLE tea cake) Contains: Wheat
Kulolo Poi Mac Nut Tart
**Only Available on THU & FRI, March 27th & 28th** Imagine a pecan pie filled with poi and topped with macadamia nuts instead of pecans—with kulolo added to the filling...
Cinnamon Bomb
*Only available on SATURDAY, March 29th* Its cinnamon roll meets butter roll for this small and sweet cinnamon treat. Multiple Cinnamon Bombs are pictured. Item is sold as a SINGLE...